
Joe McQueen Day

want to do something really fun tonight? It's Joe McQueen Day today. Don't know who he is? Check out my friends blog for details.

Happy Weekend all!



Some friends of mine have organized this benefit concert. For those who aren't familar with Kalai, his music is really good. He has kind of a Ben Harper feel/sound. Come support a good cause! Thursday, April 17 2008, 8:00pm

Kalai and Band have partnered with Education 4 Everyone and will help benefit the Zambia Scholarship Fund. The benefit concert will start at 8 pm on the University of Utah campus at the Social & Behavioral Auditorium (RM 101).

Ticket Info:
Buy your tickets a head of time at the U of U Student Union, 1st floor entrance south side on April 9th, 15th & 16th.
Tickets will also be sold at the door but there is limited seating!

Nicki P


golden skillet

Hey Ya'll!

It's just me, your friend, V. :) Just letting ya'll know about a fun place to go swing dancing. It's called the Golden Skillet and it's just off of 90th South, right behind Club 90 or something like that with bright neon signs. The Golden Skillet almost looks like a warehouse but it's a dance place. Here's the website for more deets: http://www.theswingteam.com/golden-skillet.php Hope to see ya'll there this Fri! Let me know if you have any questions or want someone to carpool with. I can perhaps help arrange that. (You all are welcome to carpool with me if you don't mind going to my mission reunion.:)..but I'll meet ya'll there!)


Varci :)